Speed Concept!!!
Yes, I had the opportunity to ride the fastest bike on the Tri/TT scene. I heard amazing numbers during TrekWorld in regards to how popular, and most importantly, how fast this bike is on the road. I heard numbers about how many minutes, yes minutes, were dropped off an Ironman distance bike leg. I heard that since this bike has been around, it has won every bike leg. Each of these facts are super impressive, but all I thought was that it was just another TT bike.
I am not a "Tri guy" in any way at all. I don't like running, and the only time I will get in the water is if there is a cooler of beer somewhere close. That being said, I do love to ride bikes. That is the part of the "Tri" that I can really get into. I have ridden a few Tri bikes in my past, and I can definitely see that these bikes have a purpose. These bikes are meant to go fast with little effort.
When I first walked to the Speed Concept area I felt assured that I would not have a bike available for me. As I walked closer to the area, it was as if it was meant to be. People parted and someone rolled up handing in a Speed Concept large enough for me. Once I got my hands on it, the first thing I noticed is the weight of the bike. This bike feels light, especially for a TT bike. It feels like it is under 19 pds. I did get some weights on this bike after riding it (med 9.9 SSL is just a hair over 18pds). Also I noticed the profile. This bike is super thin and it might be, at its widest point, a bit over an inch if you look at the bike from the nose to tail. Not counting the handlebar or saddle, of course. After adjusting a few things, I was off, very awkwardly at first as I dodged all the people running from tent to tent.
Once I navigated my way through the mess of people and actually made it to the road, my mind started noticing the bike. First thing my mind goes to is the fit. I feel small on this bike. I am a bit over 6 foot and around 215, so it is tough for me to feel small on a bike. I notice that I am close to the ground and I am placed into the handlebars. I notice that I am going fast already, even when I am on the bullhorns. At this point I am itching to get into the aerobars to really see what this baby can do on the open road. I slowly and carefully make my way into the aerobars. As I relax into the bars I notice how my legs accelerate and I am having to start to shift quickly for my gearing to keep up with my legs. That is when I notice to the SRAM R2C shifters. These shifters are amazing! No matter which way you shift, the shifter will return to the neutral position. So, when you are in the extreme rear cogs it is still just as easy to shift. I play with the shifters for a bit and then start paying attention to the bike again. As soon as I start trying to focus on the bike, my sight gets set who is in front of me. As soon as I pass one person I focus on another and then another. My legs keep spinning and all I can think is that I want to go faster. Most times in the past I have gone fast on bikes and I feel I come to a level where it is my stopping point. A very few times in the past I feel like a bike is waiting on me to go faster, almost begging me. The Speed Concept is one of those bikes. After riding the Speed Concept for several miles I feel like I let this bike down. It wanted to go faster, but I couldn't oblige. After admitting defeat to myself, I pick my head up and get out of the aerobars. As I am turning around I realize that I have another chance to please this bike on the way back to the Trek facility. After getting off the bike and handing it off to the Trek mechanic I can say that at least one of us was satisfied. I will leave it up to you to decide which one.
This bike has many new technologies that make it fast. If you are looking for an advantage on the Tri or TT scene, this is the bike for you. Just make sure you can satisfy her appetite for speed. If you want to see more technical information on this bike
click here.
The next bike post will be coming soon.
Remember to keep your car parked and get on your bike!
Gary Knight
The Great Escape
Anderson, SC