The Great Escape

The Great Escape is a full service bicycle shop, featuring TREK and GARY FISHER bicycles. Our services include a complete range of bicycle accessories and a full service repair shop. In our Greenville and Spartanburg stores we also have an excellent hobby shop, specializing in Radio Control airplanes and cars, trains, rockets and plastic model of all types.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Anderson Area Transportation Study Meeting Tonight 1-31-2011

Please be reminded of the final ANATS public meeting to discuss the ANATS Long Range Plan as follows:

Monday, Jan 31 @ City Council Chambers @ 5:30 – 7:00 PM

City of Anderson Building (Police Station)

At the meeting, a Public Comment Form will be available. This input form will allow you to submit your support of walking and biking safety, bike trails, greenways, etc. There is also a question on the bottom of the form to share your support of a particular project. Please be sure to complete a Public Comment Form to express your support of The Greenway Project.

We need ALL the support we can get on this issue.

On Thursday night, we quickly found out that the nay-sayers are definitely expressing their opinion against the Greenway. If we want this greenway to happen, we must have our voices heard.

The talking points are attached for your use at these meetings. (FYI...these talking points are really good to use on the Public Comment Form.) The “Greenway Project” is already #1 on the list as prioritized by the Study Team. The Study Team makes recommendations to ANATS on certain issues and they presented the list of projects to ANATS in October. Since the Greenway Project is currently listed as #1, our committee’s message is that the “Greenway Project” should remain as the #1 priority on the list of ANATS long-range projects.


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