Anderson: Complete The Streets
Below is a copy of the resolution:
Resolution To Endorse and Support a complete streets policy to provide safe and convenient access for all users of streets.
WHEREAS, increasing walking and bicycling offers the potential for cleaner air, greater health of the population, reduced traffic congestion, more livable communities, less reliance on fossil fuels and their foreign supply sources and more efficient use of road space and resources; and
WHEREAS, the City of Anderson’s Downtown Master Plan, Comprehensive Plan and Recreation Master Plan call for the planning and development of pedestrian and bicycle-friendly transportation networks; and
WHEREAS, in 2006 South Carolina had the fourth highest rate of bicycle and pedestrian fatalities as a result of motor vehicle accidents, and
WHEREAS, the City of Anderson is strongly committed to improving travel conditions and travel choices for people of all ages and abilities; and
WHEREAS, the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act (SAFETEA-LU) calls for the mainstreaming of bicycle and pedestrian projects into the planning, design and operation of our nation’s transportation system; and
WHEREAS, bicycle and pedestrian projects and programs are eligible for funding from almost all of the major Federal-aid funding programs; and
WHEREAS, the City of Anderson affirms that bicycling and walking accommodations should be an integral part of planning, design, construction and operating activities, and will be included in everyday operations of our transportation system; and
WHEREAS, the City of Anderson endorses the Complete Streets Policy by encouraging the design, operation and maintenance of the transportation network to promote safe and convenient access for all users in a manner consistent with, and supportive of, the surrounding community; and
WHEREAS, the City of Anderson endorses policies and procedures with the construction, reconstruction or other changes of transportation facilities on streets to support the creation of Complete Streets including capital improvements, re-channelization projects and major maintenance, recognizing that all streets are different and in each case user needs must be balanced.
City staff shall enforce existing policies, provide guiding principles and create operating practices as deemed appropriate and if feasible so that transportation systems are planned, designed, constructed and operated to make bicycling and pedestrian movements an integral part of the City’s transportation planning and programming while promoting safe operations for all users.
City staff shall plan for, design, construct and operate all new City transportation improvement projects to provide appropriate accommodation for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and persons of all abilities, while promoting safe operation for all users, as deemed appropriate and if feasible.
City staff shall incorporate Complete Streets principles into transportation strategic planning, transportation plans, manuals, rules, regulations and programs as deemed appropriate and if feasible.
Passed and adopted this 18 day of May, 2009.