The Great Escape

The Great Escape is a full service bicycle shop, featuring TREK and GARY FISHER bicycles. Our services include a complete range of bicycle accessories and a full service repair shop. In our Greenville and Spartanburg stores we also have an excellent hobby shop, specializing in Radio Control airplanes and cars, trains, rockets and plastic model of all types.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Butt on bike, Helmet on head.

Been noticing that our new local Rail to trail "swamp rabbit trail" is getting some good use on the sections that are open. However, it's troubling to see many recreational riders NOT USING BICYCLE HELMETS when riding. Parents, set a example for your kids and use a HELMET when riding your bikes. Enjoy the trails.


  • At 10:24 AM , Blogger Dorker said...

    Preach it. It really bugs me too. They are teaching kids that when you grow up to be an adult that you don't need a helmet anymore.


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